Final 2020 U.S. Election Battleground Polls: Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania

Analysis by Randy Ellison, with Ella Anderson.

Our final polls before Tuesday’s election show Joe Biden with a lead across four key battleground states.

We polled likely voters on the presidential election, critical senate elections, candidate favorability, campaign effectiveness, and more.

More analysis, including comparisons to the 2016 exit polls, will be posted to our website before election day.

Below are results for likely voters. We also included crosstabs for each state.

Minnesota  (Total Sample: 1,290. Likely Voter Sample: 1,138)  
US Senate Early Voters Election Day Voters Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Tina Smith 64% 46% 53% +9%
Jason Lewis 33% 49% 44%
Other/Undecided 3% 5% 3%
Presidential Early Voters Election Day Voters Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Joe Biden 61% 41% 53% +9%
Donald Trump 34% 51% 44%
Other/Undecided 5% 8% 3%
SOURCE: Targoz Market Research (Fieldwork: October 25-October 30, 2020) 
Michigan (Total Sample: 1,258. Likely Voter Sample: 993)
US Senate Early Voters Election Day Voters Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Gary Peters 72% 35% 54% +11
John James 26% 54% 43%
Other/Undecided 1% 11% 2%
Presidential Early Voters Election Day Voters Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Joe Biden 66% 35% 53% +14
Donald Trump 28% 52% 39%
Other/Undecided 6% 13% 8%
SOURCE: Targoz Market Research (Fieldwork: October 25-October 30, 2020) 
Pennsylvania (Total Sample: 1,331. Likely Voter Sample: 998)
Presidential Early Voters Election Day Voters Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Joe Biden 82% 43% 56% +14
Donald Trump 17% 53% 42%
Other/Undecided 1% 5% 2%
SOURCE: Targoz Market Research (Fieldwork: October 25-October 30, 2020) 

While former Vice President Joe Biden is holding onto a 4-point lead over President Donald Trump among likely voters in Florida, we did review results among consistently known voters within our sample.

If turnout mirrors prior elections, which is unlikely, we could see a closer result in Florida. Historically, statewide races in Florida tend to be very tight on election day.

Florida Likely Voters (Total Sample: 1,344 . Likely Voter Sample: 1,027) 
Presidential Early Voters Election Day Voters Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Joe Biden 57% 43% 50.8% +3.7
Donald Trump 42% 51% 47.1%
Other/Undecided 1% 6% 2.1%
SOURCE: Targoz Market Research (Fieldwork: October 25-October 30, 2020) 
Florida Subsample Known Voters With Prior History
Presidential Ballot With Leaners and Early Voters
Joe Biden 49.2% Tied
Donald Trump 49.2%
Other/Undecided 1.6%
SOURCE: Targoz Market Research (Fieldwork: October 25-October 30, 2020) 












